Exhibition "Extreme cold, dryness, bad weather..... in Arles since the Middle Ages"
Exhibition on the climatic phenomena that have occurred in Arles since the Middle Ages
17 et 18 septembre 2022Passat

Ville d'Arles
What was the weather like? Although it is difficult to know the weather and climate of past centuries, the archives of the city keep track of the exceptional phenomena that have impacted the life of the Arlesians since the Middle Ages: extreme cold, dryness, bad weather... As our society faces the challenge of climate change, this exhibition invites us to go back in time. RDV: Archives communales d'Arles - Espace Van Gogh, 1st floor - Place Félix Rey, 13200 Arles Free. Information: 04 90 49 38 74 - servicedesarchives@ville-arles.fr