Canceled | Concert by the Renaissance widowers' ensemble
The Renaissance widow’s ensemble is made up of students from widower’s schools who, under the leadership of Thierry Bertrand, make the Renaissance tunes resonate today.
Dimanche 18 septembre 2022, 16h00Passat
The widow (bagpipes from the east and south of Brittany and the Breton-Vendée Marsh) is the instrument that is closest to the mouthpieces of the sixteenth century. This ensemble was born more than ten years ago and is associated with the other amateur workshops (dances, instruments and songs) of the Compagnie Outre Mesure to offer performances of old dances and music every year. Because of the growing interest of the “widowers” in these meetings, two classes were set up in La Garnache and other widower schools gradually incorporated Renaissance tunes into their traditional repertoire.