The hidden treasures of the Tardoire
The ruins of the Peyrassoulat forge, its majestic plane trees and the beautiful Tardoire that flows at its feet... Follow the guides along the water, they will transport you to the industrial history of the river, and the natural environments you will cross will have no secrets for you! On the way back, we offer a shared meal, then you can extend your evening with a traditional concert/ball hosted by Nicolas Peuch in the light of the torches. Dare to dance a few steps by the river!
More information:
15h-18h: commented loop along the Tardoire, from 8 years old. Obligatory boots. Provide fit for walking.
18h-19h30: shared meal in Peyrassoulat. Bring food, drinks and cutlery, and come share our buffet on the site!
7.30pm: concert/ball hosted by Nicolas Peuch. What to relax your ears and toes at the water’s edge…