Prieuré du Mont Saint-Michel
2 rue du Prieuré Ardevon, 50170 Pontorson
A few kilometres away from the Mont-Saint-Michel is the priory of Ardevon, historically the back base(basis) of the Mont-Saint-Michel. From now on a few years, the Foundation of the Mont-Saint-Michel has as objective to renovate this place, left for years without interview(maintenance), to restore it its first role: a place of welcome(reception) and of culture bound(connected) in the Mont-Saint-Michel. Besides welcome(reception) in dormitory or in bivouac of groups which come discover the Mont-Saint-Michel and its bay(berry), the priory of Ardevon shelters gatherings and conferences on the Mont-Saint-Michel and will soon receive in its walls a library(bookcase) devoted to the Mont-Saint-Michel. The role of the Foundation of the Mont-Saint-Michel is therefore to fall in the priory of Ardevon all its utility in connection with the Mont-Saint-Michel while respecting its role, its history(story) and its architecture of origin.
Édifice religieux, Lieu de pouvoir, édifice judiciaire, Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs, Monument historique
© Christian Laye