Exhibition: Alphonse Chassant, heritage superhero
If Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman were the first in the late 1930s to win the title of Super-Hero in the American Comics, it is because they did not yet know Alphonse Chassant, our superhero of Mauritian heritage!
The Heritage Centre of the City of Évreux, immerses you in the history of this great 19th century Ébroïcien personality, who has dedicated his life to local heritage in all fields. A true "Passer de Mémoire" of his time and a lover of Évreux, this "Swiss knife" of heritage has contributed to the enrichment and knowledge of our heritage, by being librarian, archivist and curator of the Musée d'Évreux. He will foster generosity by bequeathing to the City of Évreux his thousands of research notes and his library in order to pass them on to future generations. While the City has actively engaged in the process of labeling «City of Art and History», the legacy left by Alphonse Chassant still allows us to value all the riches of our heritage and makes us proud to be Ébroïciens.