Bridgemasters and dungeon masters to help navigate the Seine in the past

Before the Revolution the navigation on the Lower Seine, between Rouen and Paris, was managed by the provost of the merchants of Paris. This prestigious administration, playing the role of a municipality, had established masters of deck and masters of pertuis, royal officers responsible for ensuring the passage of the many boats going up the river to supply the capital. Jean Baboux, a historian living in Vernon, Normandy, a town on the banks of the river, will give a lecture on the institution created during the Hundred Years War.
The town halls of La Roche-Guyon, Moisson, Bonnières-sur-Seine and Bennecourt joined forces in 2022 to celebrate the Seine, their common living heritage: they offer meetings, animations, conferences on the 4 sites to promote access to biodiversity for all, history, culture, art and literature specific to this territory and create a link in the valley.