Archives départementales de la Meuse
26 rue d'Aulnois, 55000 Bar-le-Duc
The Departmental Archives of the Meuse constitute the memory of the department.
Until the Revolution, the archives were scattered in many places. They were first assembled in eight places for the department in 1790, then only one six years later, in the building then serving as the Prefecture, with about 1000 linear meters of archives. In 1857, faced with the increase in volume, one house, then three, were transformed to house the Departmental Archives. A first dedicated building was erected in place of these houses in 1913\. When it reached saturation, it was replaced in 1968 by a much larger one located a few hundred meters away by Jean Fayeton, a great architect and engineer. This building is more suited to consulting the fund.
However, over the years, this building has become too narrow, blocked in a very complex site. Fire safety was not assured and its extension was almost impossible.
In 1992, the project for a new building was approved. Ten years later, a competition was launche
Archives, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire