Maison de l'Archéologie
44 avenue Foch, 67110 Nierderbronn-les-Bains
The house of archaeology presents a complete panorama of archaeological researches(searches) made in the North of Alsace and particularly on the territory of the regional nature park of Vosges of the North. The kept(preserved) vestiges are many, they cover a chronological fork(range) going of the prehistory in contemporary time(period). Space of preservation, of research(search) but also of animation, he invites the visitor to go out of his walls to go to contemplate landscapes manufactured by history(story). The paléo-environmental path of interpretation(performance) "Janus" and the vestiges of the Gallo-Roman thermal baths, the place(square) Jean Marchi, allow a contextualization of collections seen to the museum. The expéridrome is a space of archaeological animation close to the museum and mainly dedicated to the prehistory: he allows to test different techniques and to go farther to the discovery to understand and find gestures(movements) and lifestyles of our ancestors.
Musée de France, Musée, salle d'exposition, Site archéologique
Parking lot museum and accessibility PMR - on-site Expéridrome parking lot
©M.Chérot PNRVN