7 avenue de Blida, 57000 Metz
Located in old(former) bus garages at the heart of the city, BLIIIDA is a space of creation, of production and of innovation devoted to practices and to digital industries. BLIIIDA is a laboratory of division(sharing) and of prospective for creative projects. BLIIIDA is also a collaborative platform and social of 25000m ² intended(designed) for the creators and for the innovators of any horizons. During more than 30 years, the walls of this building(ship) were privileged to witness cares brought to the interview(maintenance) of the vehicles of TCRM-TRANSPORTS together by the Region Messina. In 2013, a wind of change came blow in sheds and other mechanical workshops(studios) with the 6th and last edition(publishing) of "Night Blanche Metz". A first stone which marked the decisive(conclusive) transformation(processing) of the place in a space of fixed production devoted to experimentation and to construction. Since its reconversion(retraining), the site never stopped evolving and modulating thanks to the commitment of communities and of all the local economic and cultural actors who knew how to have talks to pass(spend,cross) perception(collection) to production, concept in reality.
Édifice industriel, scientifique et technique
©Nouvelle cuisine