Grande Mosquée
6 rue Averroès, 67100 Strasbourg
The Big(Great) Mosque of Strasbourg (GMS) is a Muslim place of worship drawn by the architect Paolo Portoghesi, the distinguished Italian architect, author also of the Big(Great) Mosque of Rome and of the church of Calcata (the North of Rome). By her(its) modern and innovative architecture, she(it) joins landscape of Strasbourg perfectly. GMS is a place of worship which distinguishes itself by its metallic dome covered with copper and weighing 135 tons (25 metres in heights and of 20 metres in diameters); from the top of its 20 metres, she is supported by no pillar and allows to obtain a room of prayer furthermore of 1200m2 totally opened. The seepage of sunlight gives a mystical character to this space of prayer and of meditation. The mosaic was realised by craftsmen(architects) come from Fes. Sculptures in plaster represent Koranic verses chosen by the architect. The minbar (or the pulpit) wooden was sculpted in Fes and returned in Strasbourg, the mihrab (or niche) allows to indicate(appoint) the direction(management) of Makka Mecca), place of which the imam manages prayer. GMS comes enrich common(shared) religious heritage.
Édifice religieux
©La Grande Mosquée de Strasbourg