Restitution of residencies in concert form and meeting with artists Hilary Galbreaith, Corentin Canesson and TNHCH
The artists will present their research conducted during their three-month residency in Lindre-Basse.
As part of its program of artist residencies in Lindre-Basse, the Centre d'art contemporain - the synagogue of Delme, offers you to meet the artists Hilary Galbreaith, Corentin Canesson and the TNHCH group and discover the research they conducted during their residency. The restitution of residence will take the form of a concert, followed by a meeting with the artists around their showcase exhibition in the Gue(ho)st House. Between June and September 2022, they created a sound and plastic laboratory, where their work on paintings, posters, installations, costumes, performance and musical creation intersects.
Creations of instruments, conceived in the fashion of the «do it yourself» in echo of the Lorraine heritage in terms of violin making and archeteria, and meetings with the members of the LGTAIE collective, have nourished the development of their work.