Dimanche 18 septembre 2022, 11h00, 14h00, 16h00Passat
Setembre 2022
Dimenge 18
11:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 15:00
16:00 - 17:00

Château de Gombervaux

Château de Gombervaux, 55140 Vaucouleurs
  • Meuse
  • Grand Est

Magical plants of the Middle Ages

Medicine, cooking, protection, curses... plants of the Middle Ages have a thousand virtues. Discover them with us!
Dimanche 18 septembre 2022, 11h00, 14h00, 16h00Passat
©Manuel Tacuinum sanitatis

Medicine, cooking, protection, curses... plants of the Middle Ages have a thousand virtues. Discover them with us!

Healers and witches: the limit is fine in the Middle Ages! Both characters use plants for more or less beneficial purposes... In any case, this is what cinema and fairy tales tell us. What reality is behind the use of plants at this time? How can we draw inspiration from it today?

Types d'événement
Atelier / Démonstration / Savoir-faire
Thème 2022
Patrimoine durable
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Conditions de participation

À propos du lieu

Château de Gombervaux
Château de Gombervaux, 55140 Vaucouleurs
  • Meuse
  • Grand Est
The castle of Gombervaux is a castle of the XIVth century located near(about) Vaucouleurs in the Meuse(Maas), in region Big(Great) is. It is about a house - strong of which there remains(subsists) only the facade. She(It) was endowed with four tours(towers,ballots) of angle and with a donjon-hall with crenels(niches). It is surrounded with staves(moats) filled with water, fed by three sources(springs), regulated by a gate(crack) and the excess passes in the said ditch(gap) of Gombervaux. Listed(Classified) in conformance with(for) historic monuments in 1994\.
Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Monument historique
In 3 km in Vaucouleurs on D964 towards Verdun.
©IH_Association Gombervaux