Musée Barrois / Château des ducs de Bar et de Lorraine
Esplanade du château, 55000 Bar-le-Duc
Castle of XVTH - XVITH centuries, sheltering encyclopaedic collections. From the Xth century, the duke of High-of Lorraine Frederick 1st makes build a fortified castle on the mount Bar which dominates Ornain. The site corresponds to the current High City of Bar-le-Duc. In the XIIIth century, the spur is surrounded with a double surrounding wall(speaker). The castle will become then residence of the dukes, prettifying and growing rich in its furniture. It is in the XVIth century, in 1567, that the duke Charles III makes build a new castle in the courtyard: Nine - Mansion. Only surviving building(ship) of the dismantling of fortifications on order of the king Louis XIV in 1670, it is in this castle that will be installed(settled) the collections of the Museum Barrois in 1970, following the Hotel of Florainville which, since 1841, kept(preserved) and exposed(explained) the collections of natural history, painting(paint), sculpture and the archaeological rooms(parts,plays).
Musée, salle d'exposition, Musée de France, Monument historique
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