Site naturel régional de l'Eiblen – Illfeld
Chemin de l'Eiblen, 68190 Ensisheim
The regional natural reserve of Eiblen and of Illfeld covers an area of more than 81 hectares close to the major bed of Ill, after the confluence of Thur. It is established(constituted) different natural housing environments, especially: • a space of freedom for the course(price) of Ill, which keeps(preserves) here relatively wild characteristics, advantageous for the development of manifold circles (benches of gravels, tidal reservoirs, abrupt banks, etc.) as well as of a fauna(crowd) and a specific flora, • circles bordering the street manufactured by the man, keeping(preserving) a big(great) biological wealth: the site is marked by the presence of an oak grove-ash grove and old(former) meadows liable to flooding, working thanks to an important network of irrigation channels. Moreover, a protective orchard shelters 47 old(former) varieties of fruits, throughout Quatelbach (watercourse artificial energy from Mulhouse to Neuf-Brisach). Reserve has in addition to a rich and various flora. Among its flowers, it is possible to quote in particular the tilted ornithogale, the intermediate barbarée and the vulgar filipendule. Reserve shelters from faunistiques sorts(species) such as the beaver, the goosander, the shrike écorcheur and the kingfisher of Europe. The whole site is open to the public.
Espace naturel, parc, jardin
©William Schneider