L'Ane d'Or
In a village of witches and mazzeri, what can happen to a foreigner who does not meddle in his affairs and who wants to live a magical experience? To be turned into a donkey! And the antidote? Eating roses. Lucio, the hero of the Roman novel of Apuleia, turned into a donkey, is obliged to live different adventures, unhappy and burlesque. In this quest for roses, the opportunity is offered to know the story of Love and Psyche. Well yes, this novel is a container of stories, of fairy tales. And what fairy tales! We laugh at the misadventures of this man turned donkey, but we also dive into the poetry of the fantastic tale that gave birth to the myth of Beauty and the Beast. This is the dynamic of the most famous Latin novel, signed by Lucius Appius Apulée. The characters of this novel (sorcerers, thieves, amoral, lovers, gods, peasants...) make possible a great theatrical game. Between masks, shadows, games of prestiges, Love, Psyche and other wonders we enter a mixed world between circus and street theater. A strange company of actors or faithful followers of mysterious rites mocks a young man landed in this village for work reasons. One surprise after another, between music, songs, masks, shadows, prestige tricks and dance, and here is our Lucio, employee «precisino» with glasses, trolley, briefcase twenty-four hours and hair with the ray in the middle, subjected to the worst harassment. Where is this happening? In Greece? In Corsica? .... Let us enter together in the world of magic, in this path of initiation, to laugh together, big and small. The TeatrEuropa Company has decided to share the creation of this show with the young and talented actors of the company Trisetmas. Orlando Forioso shared with them the construction of the show and the writing of the texts. From this collaboration is born a fun, popular show that helps us to try to eat the theatrical roses to get out of this nightmare of illness or magic, to return to normal. How revolutionary is normal!