Conference on the exhibition «Trà mare è monti - Architettura è patrimoniu»

Jean-Christophe QUINTON, Architect, Director of the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Versailles Sébastien Celeri, Heritage Architect, Head of the Conservation/Restoration Department, Heritage Department, Collectivité de Corse
As a whole, as in its diversity, heritage bears witness to a history and a social organization. Within the patrimonies, architecture represents the most previously recognized and most identified part. Inherited from ancient and more contemporary times, architecture constitutes one of our great cultural riches and participates in the collective memory. Sébastien Celeri proposes to evoke the representations of the architectural heritage of Corsica. From the major buildings, protected under the title of Historical Monuments and the least visible testimonies, to illustrate the richness and diversity of our heritage.
The architect Jean-Christophe Quinton, invites us to understand his approach to design buildings adapted to the territory, based on his perception, his sensations to come and present his projects between sea and mountain, between nature and culture.
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