Église Saint-Germain
Le Bourg, 37140 Benais
- Indre-et-Loire
- Centre-Val de Loire
Church listed(classified) in conformance with(for) "Historic monuments" since 1991, built in the XIIth century and from which there does not remain(subsist) more than the bell tower of this time(period), restored in 2012\. The Chorus(Choir), altered in XIII ème century, is covered with vault said "from Anjou " or "Plantagenêt". The manorial chapel was altered at the end of the XVth century and the nave collapsed in 1916 was replaced with a room squared in 1921\. To discover: a retable of the XVIIth century in polychrome and golden tufa and stalls dating the XIIth century of oak wood.
Édifice religieux, Monument historique
Ville de Benais