The Giant Ferris Wheel // Compagnie Pied en Sol
The new creation of the company Pied en Sol is inspired by the Rond de Saint-Vincent. This dynamic, hypnotic, communal and solar dance is a real collective trance. Of great simplicity and depth, it is also anchored in the earth. She traditionally danced to relax a week’s work, and at weddings.
Six dancers inspired by different aesthetics (contemporary, traditional, hip-hop dance, etc.) are accompanied by the powerful voice of Mathieu Hamon and the music of Wenceslas Hervieux. Their hands join, their feet strike the ground in rhythm, a circle is formed and then undone. The choreographic language touches by its simplicity and depth. Movements that seem familiar to us are here composed, recomposed, in a word: reinvented. The circle rotates in the direction of the clock, placing the dancers before the successive cycles of life.
Choreography by Brigitte Trémelot and Denis Madeleine | With Stéphanie Gaillard, Maxime Herviou, Yann Hervé, Dominique Le Marrec, Brigitte Trémelot and Denis Madeleine | Chant Mathieu Hamon | Musical creation Wenceslas Hervieux | Costume creation Emmanuelle Thomas | Regard extérieur Fred Renno | Administration Anaïs Blais (GE Les Gesticulteurs) | Diffusion Servane Renier (GE Les Gesticulteurs)
Le Canal, Théâtre du Pays de Redon (35) - National interest stage, art and creation for theatre | L'Hermine, Espace Culturel du Pays de Rhuys (56) Territory stage for dance | La Grande Boutique in Langonnet (56) Centre de création des musiques populaires en Bretagne intérieure | L'Atelier Culturel de Landerneau (29) - stage de territoire des arts de la piste | La Drac Bretagne: aide au projet | La Région Bretagne | Le Département 35 | La Spedidam