Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Valprofonde
89410 Béon
- Yonne
- Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
This charterhouse was founded by Isabelle de Mello, Countess of Joigny, then Dame de Beaujeu in 1301, but the premature death of the foundress left the community in great poverty. In 1322, she found a new benefactress in Alix de Montaigu, countess of Joigny, who definitively established the foundation. On February 13, 1790, the constituent assembly decreed the abolition of monastic vows and the suppression of religious congregations. The community dispersed in 1791 and the property of the charterers was sold as national property. The parish church took possession of the objects relating to the cult that it contained, including two reliquaries and a statue of the 13th century Virgin.
Édifice religieux
Crédits photo : propriétaire de la Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Valprofonde