Église Saint-Georges
58170 Savigny-Poil-Fol
- Nièvre
- Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
The church, dedicated to Saint George, is an isolated building, located on a hill, the highest point of the town. The oldest part of the church is the apse built in the 12th century, the rest dates from the 16th century. Over time, the church underwent some transformations and consolidation or restoration work. In the 18th century, windows were enlarged. In the 19th, the work focused on covering the nave. Finally, at the beginning of the 20th century, the bell tower was rebuilt, which led to the redevelopment of the two side chapels. The specifications that have been kept by the architects Villard and Wandelle allow to know, in detail, the work carried out in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. The building, of modest appearance, of elongated plan, has a belfry in facade; its chevet is turned towards the northeast. Preceded by a recent vestibule flanked by two chapels vaulted in semicircular barrel, the nave, vast, without particular ornamentation, is covered with a plaster cei
Édifice religieux