The carnival of animals in shadow theatre...
The caravan continues its journey on the roads of France and Europe. This magical place, a real travelling theatre, will delight young and old through shows of shadow theatre.
18 et 19 septembre 2021Passat
The caravan continues its journey on the roads of France and Europe. This magical place, a real travelling theatre, will delight young and old through shows of shadow theatre.
The proposed show is a shadow theatre adaptation of the «Carnaval des animaux» based on the music of Camille Saint-Saëns. It is played in a castelet. We find there with pleasure known themes, illustrated magnificently by the silhouettes in shadow.
Possibility to play it twice in the same day, for a maximum of 50 people in the room and 20 people maximum in the trailer.
Adaptation, direction, silhouettes and creation: M.-N. Thirion and Edouard De jongh - Ateliers Nomades.