Samedi 18 septembre 2021, 11h00Passat
Setembre 2021
Dissabte 18
11:00 - 12:00
Accessible a las personas amb un handicap motor
De 18 à 99 ans

Séré de Rivières: builder of the «iron barrier»!

This conference presents the unknown path of General Séré de Rivières. The defeat of the 1870-1871 war led his genius to design a new fortified system to defend France.
Samedi 18 septembre 2021, 11h00Passat
©Zed production

This conference presents the unknown path of General Séré de Rivières. The defeat of the 1870-1871 war led his genius to design a new fortified system to defend France.

The conference is led by Mathieu Panoryia, scientific advisor of the exhibition On ne passe pas! The fortifications, from the Séré de Rivières system to the Maginot line».
While the names of some military engineers and builders have remained in the collective memory of France, the most illustrious of which is undoubtedly Vauban, others remain unknown to the general public.
The vast majority of visitors to the Verdun battlefield forts are unaware that they are part of a much larger fortified complex. It runs from the North Sea to the Mediterranean. The complex was erected by General Séré de Rivières.

Types d'événement
Visite commentée / Conférence
Thème 2021
Patrimoine pour tous
Conditions de participation

À propos du lieu

Mémorial de Verdun
1 avenue du Corps Européen, 55100 Fleury-devant-Douaumont
  • Meuse
  • Grand Est
At the heart of the hills of Verdun, still devastated by the millions of shells which caused the death of more than 30 000 people and made 400 000 wounded persons within one year, the memorial of Verdun redraws the history(story) of the most famous battle of the World War I. He(It) matters(counts) among the main European museums of First World War.
Édifice commémoratif, Musée, salle d'exposition
On-the-spot parking lot
©Jean-Marie Mangeot