24 février et 5 mai
Febrièr 2025
Diluns 24
10:00 - 10:30
Mai 2025
Diluns 5
16:00 - 16:30


université Paris-Saclay
  • Essonne
  • Île-de-France

SPOC MIRACIP: Management of immunorelated complication of cancer immunotherapy

This course aims to gain a specific knowledge on the management of toxicities of immunotherapies. 24 Feb 2025 - 5 May 2025
24 février et 5 mai

Immunotherapy is an essential component of cancer care and expands the treatment possibilities of patients. Immunotherapy drugs called immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have revolutionized cancer treatment. Although ICIs are the most promising drugs, they are associated with side effects in around 70% of treated patients, such called Immune-related adverse events (irAEs). These irAEs are unique and are different to those of traditional cancer therapies, and typically have delayed onset and prolonged duration. Some of them can be severe and even lethal. When confronted with an unexpected clinical sign, the physician must differentiate rapidly between an irAE, cancer progression, and another (unrelated) cause. A collaborative assessment of the patient situation is mandatory and multidisciplinary assessment boards have been set up in cancer centers. Because management of irAEs involves a large panel of specialities, including also researchers (the pathophysiology of the irAEs remains poorly known), a large need for educational program in the field is obvious. This course aims to gain a specific knowledge on the management of toxicities of immunotherapies.

The main goals of this SPOC are to :
- Identify the main molecules and their mechanisms of action
- Learn more about the actual and forecoming indications
- Identify and manage immune related adverse events

Syllabus :

-Module A : The Immune System and Immune checkpoints
-Module B : Indications of immunotherapy in oncology
-Module C : Management of immune related adverse events

eugloh, immunotherapies, toxicities, immunorelated, oncology, cancer
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À propos du lieu

université Paris-Saclay
  • Essonne
  • Île-de-France

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