Dimanche 4 juin 2023, 15h00Passat
Junh 2023
Dimenge 4
15:00 - 17:00

Guided tour of a remarkable park

Go to the gardens 2023
Dimanche 4 juin 2023, 15h00Passat

In association with the Groupama company that organizes a charity walk, on the same day, a guided tour of the Parc des Roches will be organized, followed by a guided tour of Bourmont.

À propos du lieu

Parc des Roches
16 rue du Faubourg du Vivier, 52150 Bourmont-entre-Meuse-et-Mouzon
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est
Located at the foot of the walk of Côna, this park was listed(classified) in 2009 in conformance with(for) law on sites. He manifests the taste of the picturesque which plays here with the weaknesses(faults) of a calcareous cliff. In its feet, set(group) of stone constructions dries invent a poetic landscape opened on the valley of the Meuse(Maas).
English garden, Public garden, Jardin remarquable
Guided tours on reservation in 03 25 01 03 17, joel.renard40@orange.fr
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