18 et 19 septembre 2021Passat
Setembre 2021
Dissabte 18
14:00 - 17:00
Dimenge 19
14:00 - 17:00

Salle Ménissier (ancienne chapelle)

Centre socio-culturel Rue Chanlaire, 52130 Wassy
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est

Discover the 70m² fresco of an old chapel

Look up to admire the fresco by the painter Joseph Constant Ménissier.
18 et 19 septembre 2021Passat
©Ville de Wassy

À propos du lieu

Salle Ménissier (ancienne chapelle)
Centre socio-culturel Rue Chanlaire, 52130 Wassy
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est
This former chapel was part of a boarding school run by the Ladies of Saint-Maur. Around 1844, the painter Joseph Constant Ménissier created a 70 m² fresco that depicts the Nativity and scenes of the life of Jesus where there is also a self-portrait of the painter.
Édifice religieux
Parking behind the town hall, rue Notre-Dame.
©Office de Tourisme du Lac du Der - Bureau de Saint-Dizier

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