18 et 19 septembre 2021Passat
Setembre 2021
Dissabte 18
14:00 - 17:00
Dimenge 19
14:00 - 17:00

Église Notre-Dame-en-sa-Nativité

Place Notre-Dame, 52130 Wassy
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est

Discovering the Classified Church of Wassy

From an architectural point of view, the influences of Lorraine and Champagne give it its originality and the transformations and additions made over time do not affect its harmony.
18 et 19 septembre 2021Passat
©Ville de Wassy

À propos du lieu

Église Notre-Dame-en-sa-Nativité
Place Notre-Dame, 52130 Wassy
  • Haute-Marne
  • Grand Est
The construction of the church from east to west must date the environment(middle) of the 12th century and the Western portal(gate) could go back up(raise) in 1180\. The church included at origin three semicircular apses, a transept, a nave in three vessels and a Western massif. The side chapels are posterior and were raised(brought up) between the 15th and the 18th century. The building undergoes destructions in 1544 then in 1591: the main apse and the south absidiole were then rebuilt with flat bedheads. The north absidiole not requiring restoration(catering), she(it) kept(preserved) its semicircular shape. The Western massif, which at origin had to dash higher, was endowed with a perpendicular roofing in that of the nave and collateral, the latter(this last) dating, her too, of the beginning of the 17th century. It is undoubtedly in Revolution that the decoration(set) of the main portal(gate) was mutilated. Organ Louis Le Bé du XVIIe s. Stained-glass windows of XVTH - XXTH s.
Édifice religieux, Monument historique
©Lithographie François-Alexandre Pernot. Libre de droits

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