Capsules d'Histoire(s)
Radio explores time! Live the events that marked the history of Langres.
18 et 19 septembre 2021Passat
Inauguration de la tour de Navarre par François Ier - ©Dessin Jérôme Brasseur
Radio explores time! Live the events that marked the history of Langres.
- The Petit-Sault Tower will be part of a double commemoration:
- the 500th anniversary of the visit of King Francis I to Langres (mid-August 1521),
- the 430th anniversary of the Pétard affair (August 20, 1591)
Each of these events will be evoked via a sound clip similar to a modern «radio reportage». The principle of restitution is to approach these events using a current media (in this case the “radio”) in order to give them a contemporary tone (micros-trottoirs, “live” reports, interviews, sound effects, etc.). These few-minute sound clips will be looped inside the tower.