Chateau de Belet, The History and Architectural Experience

Walking tour of the 15th century Chateau de Belet, magnificently restored with modern sustainable technologies to compliment its archectiture and heritage, learn from chatelians (owners) the magnificient restoration, within these ancient battlements atop two sets of round and square towers, tour subterranean wine cellars, view one of the Dordognes largest intact pigeonaire and giant oak beamed barns with stunning tiles roofs, mortise and tennon works. Chateau de belet sits stop several active artesian springs, it overlooks its grand estate (available for hiking, open to the public) of verdant gardens, fruit and grain farms.
Meticulously restored with modern underfloor heating, sustainable modern energy-efficient technologies,
You are invited for a private tour or can book a guest stay year-round into a world of history and comfort within these monolithic stone walls, wood beams, and high-end fixtures, ensuite spa quality bathrooms.
During Chateaux en Fete, Belet offers 2-night Packages, best available rates, bookings may be made directly on Chateau de belet.