Guided tour of the theatre

Visit of the theater of Hérouville: discovery of the backstage, stage, workshop of construction of the sets, workshop of costumes, stage, boxes... presentation of the shows of the season.
In 1982, a construction program for the city center combining city hall, a theater, housing and shops received the approval of the inhabitants. The Citadelle Douce, designed by the architect Eugène Leseney, will be completed in 1987. Michel Dubois then director of the Comédie de Caen, a national drama centre, was entrusted with the management of the animation and programming of the Théâtre d'Hérouville. The theatre opened on 1 April 1987. A few weeks later, it will be inaugurated by François Mitterrand during his visit to the Sweet Citadel. Aurore Fattier is now in charge of the theatre.