Vendredi 18 septembre 2020, 10h00Passat
Setembre 2020
Divendres 18
10:00 - 12:00
Accessible a las personas amb un handicap motor
De 8 à 18 ans

Musée d'initiation à la nature

Hôtel de Ville, Esplanade Jean-Marie Louvel, 14000 Caen
  • Calvados
  • Normandie

Animation for school children: Caen: The lost memory of water

Thanks to the CPIE, your students will take part in the mysteries and history of water in the city of Caen.
Vendredi 18 septembre 2020, 10h00Passat
© CPIE Vallée de l'Orne

The city of Caen is home to rivers that have been rescued, lost, buried or disappeared for some. An ancient aquatic city crossed by rivers, Caen is a city that has learned to live with water, whether it comes from the Orne, the Odons or the sea. This experiment will allow your students to understand the geographical position of the city and to search for its hydrological remains through the clues it may have left.


À propos du lieu

Musée d'initiation à la nature
Hôtel de Ville, Esplanade Jean-Marie Louvel, 14000 Caen
  • Calvados
  • Normandie
The Museum of Introduction in Nature is installed(settled) in the historic executive(frame) of Abbaye-aux-Hommes. A regional collection of naturalized animals is presented in the old(former) bakery built in the XVIIth century by the monks Benedictines today. A pedagogic and thematic garden devoted to biodiversity, surrounds the building(ship).
Espace naturel, parc, jardin, Musée, salle d'exposition, Musée de France, Monument historique, Site patrimonial remarquable