Lundi 28 mai 2018, 10h00Passat
Mai 2018
Diluns 28
10:00 - 11:00
Aménagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap auditifHandicap visuelHandicap psychiqueHandicap moteur
De 0 à 20 ans

Sarajevo, Bosnie-Herzegovine

Sarajevo, Mula Mustafe Baseskije 8
  • Kanton Sarajevo
  • Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine

Cultural heritage: to reinforce the visibility of the cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina across the art expression

The object of project is to ask the younger generation of the country to choose a historic work of art in its environment and to find an artistic strategy to return it "visible"
Lundi 28 mai 2018, 10h00Passat
Aménagements à l'accessibilité
Handicap auditifHandicap visuelHandicap psychiqueHandicap moteur

Cultural heritage, youth and innovation: reinforce the visibility of the cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina across the art expression
What recovers the notion of cultural heritage?
These are resources inherited from past in all their diversity in terms of forms and aspects: material, intangible and digital. He(It) recovers monuments and cultural sites, landscapes and natural sites, know-how, knowledge, and all expressions of human creativity (oral traditions, festivals, musical compositions, etc.) the notion of cultural heritage grants a particular(special) finally to the present collections in museums, libraries(bookcases) and archives (paintings(paints), books(pounds), artefacts, etc.).
The visibility of the cultural heritage is an objective of high value which remembers itself to us every other minute. To promote this wealth across the action(share) of young generations in an artistic executive(frame) is in our opinion pertinent. Indeed, who are more justifiable than the actors of Bosnia and Herzegovina of tomorrow to assert(affirm) the creativity of their country? What vector is more appropriate than art for such operation? What better moment than 2018, European Year of the cultural heritage, to set such project up?
To recognise and to appreciate(estimate) cultural realisations and cultural heritage of its own cultural community is pertinent in a country where so many(much) young people turn(shoot) to territories economically strong and know badly their own culture. Zones on which we chose to be focused with our German counterparts matter(count) among four bigger(greater) cities of BIH.
Under the slogan «to Share heritage», Europe must be the centre of a narrow network of affiliation and of relations. The French Institute and the Goethe institute in Bosnia and Herzegovina would like to contribute this year of the cultural heritage in BIH. This initiative aims therefore in:

  • encourage the public to discover and to explore the European cultural heritage;
  • reinforce consciousness to belong to the same European family;
  • to make discover to the children treasures and most precious traditions of Europe.
    The Ariadne's thread of project consists in asking younger generation in Bosnia and Herzegovina to choose a historic work of art - and maybe not very known - in its immediate environment and to find an artistic strategy to return these "visible("obvious) « works and to make an experience(experiment), giving it so value.
    As part of this project, the students will tackle(approach) first intensively the history(story) of these historic works of art, their signification and its cultural relations. It will lead(drive) to the realisation that culture is always the result(profit) of a convergence of different cultures - and that there is not "national" (that to say ethnic) culture. Then, the participants in project will develop a strategy then to "play « on "their" historic work of art. According to the work of art, it sends back(dismisses) to very different strategies. In this context, it is already possible to sketch certain tracks(runways):
  • Conceive(Design) a communication for the historic work of art to return it more popular in the region or for tourism;
  • Find ways(means) to inspire the children in connection with the historic work of art;
  • Conceive(Design) programmes for schools so that they could be included(comprised) in the class;
  • Plan activities / artistic interventions exploiting(running) the potential of the historic work of art
    The appearance of the implementation this strategy is left with the imagination of the participants.
    It will also be a question of finding sponsors for the conservation of the historic work of art in question.
    French-German project therefore wishes to promote young generations in Bosnia and Herzegovina by making intercede them on the strengthening of the visibility of the cultural heritage of their country. He(It) also tries to return visible(obvious) relations and intercultural influence which returns so fascinating the cultural heritage of this country. This initiative highlights the interculturalité of the country. He(It) has as ambition to settle(arise) in model of transnational cultural cooperation.
    Partners of project:
    National museum of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovinia Ministry of Education, Bosnie-HerzégovineCommission for the conservation of the national monuments of Bosnia-Herzegovinia UNESCO, Sarajevo, Expert Expert BIH of the transmission of the cultural heritage, Germany of the transmission of the cultural heritage, France
    Timetable(Calendar) of project
    As this project must take place in schools, the timetable(calendar) of activities must take into account the rhythm of school year. The school year in Bosnia and Herzegovina ends at the beginning of June. As a result, the selection of project must take place at the latest at the end of May.
    January-September, 2018
    Project benefits from a «support of the French-German, collection cultural Fund(Collection) of help to projects gone(taken) up jointly by the French and German diplomatic networks in third country, managed by the French Institute and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type d'activité
Pas cap seleccion
Type de patrimoine concerné
Pas cap seleccion
Pas cap seleccion

À propos du lieu

Sarajevo, Bosnie-Herzegovine
Sarajevo, Mula Mustafe Baseskije 8
  • Kanton Sarajevo
  • Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine