21 et 22 septembrePassat
Setembre 2024
Dissabte 21
09:00 - 19:00
Dimenge 22
09:00 - 18:00

Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile

5 boulevard général Sibille, 81000 Albi
  • Tarn
  • Occitanie

Fire Arts Market

At the foot of the Cathedral Ste Cécile, pottery and ceramist professionals participate in the Fire Arts market with their unique production of various styles and materials.
21 et 22 septembrePassat
©association Terres vives

At the foot of the Cathedral Ste Cécile, pottery and ceramist professionals participate in the Fire Arts market with their unique production of various styles and materials.

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À propos du lieu

Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile
5 boulevard général Sibille, 81000 Albi
  • Tarn
  • Occitanie
Édifice religieux, Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, Monument historique

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