Saturday 8 June, 15:00
Free admission Subject to availability
June 2024
Saturday 8
15:00 - 17:00
Accessible to the motor impaired

Institut du monde arabe-Tourcoing

  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

Round table | Protecting the Mediterranean

This exceptional meeting, on the occasion of World Oceans Day, will be an opportunity for an exchange on sustainable development issues in the Mediterranean.
Saturday 8 June, 15:00
Free admission Subject to availability
© K.Boudoyan, IMA-Tourcoing

The Observatory brings together international researchers and experts working to protect heritage in the Mediterranean and the Middle East through the publication of online articles, the production of specific reports and participation in international projects. Website: https://patrimoinedorient.org/

A natural area of outstanding universal value, the Mediterranean Sea is home to a treasure trove of biodiversity. It is one of the richest ecosystems on the planet but also one of the most threatened. Mass tourism, urbanization, pollution or overfishing are all perils that heavily affect the balance of marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean. It is also within this space that the hopes of preservation and restoration are most encouraging, as evidenced by the many initiatives of civil society.
This exceptional meeting, on the occasion of World Oceans Day, will be an opportunity for an exchange on sustainable development issues in the Mediterranean. Our speakers, researchers and civil society actors, will present the challenges and levers for an effective preservation of the Mediterranean area. With
Rym Benzina Director of the World Sea Forum and Chair of the Blue Season, Rym Benzina emphasizes the need to preserve and enhance Tunisia’s natural wealth by working to promote the blue economy to improve GDP.
Salem Massalha Co-founder of Bassita, a social enterprise that has implemented several successful environmental initiatives in Egypt. One of them, called VeryNile, helps fishermen facing dwindling fish stocks improve their livelihoods by becoming eco-entrepreneurs who clean the Nile every day.

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