Saturday 19 September 2020, 10:00Passed
September 2020
Saturday 19
10:00 - 11:00

Commune de Richardménil

54630 Richardménil
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est

Walk around with «La Belle de Ludre»

Official opening and discovery of the trail in its name.
Saturday 19 September 2020, 10:00Passed

After having made the acquaintance of the Belle de Ludre, Mr. Mayor Xavier Boussert will proceed to the official inauguration of the path which is dedicated to him and we will leave together to discover it.
Go to the club house of the football field of Richardménil, with the members of the association «Histoire Locale» of our commune.
One hour walk, return by the pedestrian path along the departmental road.
Health rules in force to be complied with.

Types d'événement
Thème 2020
No selection
Conditions de participation

About the location

Commune de Richardménil
54630 Richardménil
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est
Richardménil is a French municipality located in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle in the Grand Est region, near Nancy. The name Richardménil appears at the approach of the year 1000\. It then designates the small domain, populated by serfs, of a certain Richard. It has forests, vineyards, a mill and a church. In 1647, Isabelle de Ludres the future "belle de Ludres" is baptized in Richardménil. At the age of 15, his extraordinary beauty attracted the attention of Duke Charles IV (59). He proposed marriage. The engagement was celebrated in 1663 in the church of Richardménil. An illness of the little bride and a too long convalescence will lead the duke to prefer the thirteen-year-old Apremont’s maid. Recovered, Isabelle is taken in Paris as maid of honor by the Duchess of Orléans. She took part in the life of the court at Versailles, where she was noticed. In 1676, it is secretly loved by the king, In 1677, their liaison becomes public, but it lasts only a short time. In 1687, she re
©Mairie de Richardménil