19 and 20 September 2020Passed
September 2020
Saturday 19
14:00 - 18:00
Sunday 20
14:00 - 18:00
3 to 99 years old

Musée de l'École de Nancy

36-38 rue du Sergent Blandan, 54000 Nancy
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est

Workshop: «Your comic strip in art nouveau»

What if you came to make the stained glass windows of the museum by creating a real comic strip?
19 and 20 September 2020Passed
Claude Philippot
Types d'événement
Animation Jeune public
Thème 2020
No selection
Conditions de participation

About the location

Musée de l'École de Nancy
36-38 rue du Sergent Blandan, 54000 Nancy
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est
Of the large property of Eugéne Corbin remain(subsist) a house, a park and a spectacular construction, an aquarium at 3 levels attributed(awarded) to Lucien Weissenburger. Inside the house, a situation scenario of the objects of every types(chaps) (furniture, works of art, fabric(tissue), glass, ceramic) allows to reconstruct the atmosphere 1900 without being strict one reconstruction. The museum also offers an overview of movement French Art nouveau.
Musée, salle d'exposition, Musée de France, Monument historique