20 - 22 September 2019Passed
On Saturday, 21 and Sunday, 22, exhibition(exposure) joins the circuit of visit of the Palais-Royal which includes the discovery of the Ministry of Culture, of the Council of State and of the Constitutional Council.
September 2019
Friday 20
08:00 - 22:00
Saturday 21
09:00 - 18:00
Sunday 22
09:00 - 18:00
Accessible to the motor impaired
0 to 99 years old

Palais-Royal - Ministère de la Culture, Conseil d'État, Conseil constitutionnel

RDV Place Colette (sortie par le 5 rue de Valois) 75001 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France

The Ministry of Culture is 60 years old. Photographic looks

Exhibition(Exposure) birthday(anniversary): The Ministry of Culture is 60 years old. Photographic looks
20 - 22 September 2019Passed
On Saturday, 21 and Sunday, 22, exhibition(exposure) joins the circuit of visit of the Palais-Royal which includes the discovery of the Ministry of Culture, of the Council of State and of the Constitutional Council.
Collection de la Bibliothèque Kandinsky, Musée national d'art moderne/CCI, Centre Pompidou. © ADAGP, Paris, 2019

Willy Ronis, Jacques Henry Lartigue, Roger Parry, Michel king, René Burri these renowned photographers put their objective on works, artists, Ministers of Culture and big(great) cultural events during many years.
Presented within the Main courtyard of the Palais-Royal (Two Trays) from July 24th and up to European Heritage Days 2019 (September 21st and 22nd), exhibition(exposure) «the Ministry of Culture is 60 years old. Photographic looks» offer an overview in images of someone of its realisations.
For 60 years the Ministry of Culture protects and promotes heritage, stimulates creation, promotes the cultural diversity and makes easier the access of all to art and to culture. These themes are illustrated by photographies resulting(coming) from collections confided(entrusted) to the guarding(nurse) of the ministry or her operators and partners.
Exhibition(Exposure) so intends to give an idea of the multiplicity of actions(shares) led since 1959, of diversity of the public which he hopes to pick up(get), of the passion of the men(people) and of the women who work in its breast. Led in partnership with the national Archives and the Media library of architecture and of heritage, exhibition(exposure) benefits from the sponsorship of Epson. It will be presented in Regional Cultural Affairs Directorates to the second half-year of the year and in particular for European Heritage Days 2019.
During the European Days of heritages, young ombudsmen of Junior Council(Advise) of the Ecole du Louvre will present you this exhibition(exposure).

Types d'événement
Thème 2019
No selection
Conditions de participation
Sur inscription, Gratuit
Numéro SIRET de mon établissement (ou à défaut, numéro de SIREN)
No input

About the location

Palais-Royal - Ministère de la Culture, Conseil d'État, Conseil constitutionnel
RDV Place Colette (sortie par le 5 rue de Valois) 75001 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France
Monument historique, Château, hôtel urbain, palais, manoir, Espace naturel, parc, jardin, Lieu de pouvoir, édifice judiciaire
JP Delagarde / CMN