Pole Dance Class of 1h30 - Squat and Barre Toi
Come and learn the practice of Pole Dance at Squat et Barre Toi. Open to beginners, intermediate and advanced. Open to all.
4 febbraio - 30 dicembre

Come and learn to practice Pole Dance at the Squat et Barre Toi studio.
- Course open to beginners, intermediate and advanced.
- Open to all.
- Includes a warm-up at the beginning of the session.
The SQUAT ET BARRE TOI studio is present in Villeneuve d'Ascq, Hallennes-lez-Haubourdin and Armentière to offer courses of:
- Pole Dance
- Pole Exotic
- Pole Kids
- Atelier Souplesse
- Private and semi-private lessons
- EVJF and private events
Please contact us and visit our website to learn more: www.squatetbarretoi.fr
Schedules for Villeneuve d'Ascq
- Tuesday from 19h to 20h30
- Tuesday from 8.30 pm to 10 pm
- Friday from 12:30 to 14:00
- Saturday from 10:30 to 12:00
- Discovery course at 15€
- Courses per unit at 18€
- Subscription at 59€ / month without commitment for one session per week.
All booking conditions are on our website.
Don’t wait any longer, join us!