Domenica 5 febbraio 2023, 14:30Passato
Febbraio 2023
Domenica 5
14:30 - 15:30
Accessibile alle persone con disabilità motorie
10 to 110 years old

Waste in question, a discussion on our relationship to the object as waste.

A discussion with professionals on our relationship to the object as waste. Permanent exhibition. Sunday 5 February from 2.30 to 3.30 pm.
Domenica 5 febbraio 2023, 14:30Passato

In this "Rendez-vous for reflection and action", we look at the subject of waste. What is its place in our daily lives? What is it? Where does it come from? Where does it go? What happens to it? We will ask ourselves about objects that are no longer useful, how they become, sometimes waste, a work of art, sometimes an ethnographic object...
We offer you the unique opportunity to discuss and share your experiences with two professionals who work on a daily basis with objects that we no longer need and who will be able to tell you more about what these objects become and what roles they play in our relationship with our environment.
Isabel Garcia Gomez, chief curator and restorer at MEG, and Jean-Marc Robbiani, information and communication officer of the City of Geneva.
This event takes place on the first Sunday of the month, so it is free and there is no need to register beforehand
Through this series of meetings "to think and act" we would like to discuss with you the issues of the climate emergency through the prism of the specificities of the MEG. By tackling themes such as care, repair, food, clothing, or the transmission of knowledge and know-how, we wish to make the impact that our daily actions can have on the environment perceptible and thus question our relationship with it. By collaborating with you and people who are active and committed to climate and environmental issues, by interviewing experts, artists, representatives of indigenous peoples, or even craftspeople and creative people, we offer you a programme of activities that provide practical tools for action and reflection, accessible and useful to all.

Texte alternatif à l'image
Les GhostNet de l'exposition permanente du MEG
Other place
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Exposition permanente
Event type
Conference - Meeting
Type d'événement Institutions
No selection
Public(s) cible(s)
General public
ID Secutix
No input
Event organisation
VDG Event
Musée d'ethnographie de Genève (MEG)
Organisateur url
Contribution service
No selection
No selection
No input
Campagne - ça se discute
And plants, do they also communicate ? (ecology / environment / climate) e Flower pot or masterpiece ? (know-how / craftmanship / tradition)

A proposito del luogo

Boulevard Carl-VOGT 65, 1205 Genève

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