Venerdì 31 maggio, 15:00Passato
Maggio 2024
Venerdì 31
15:00 - 19:00

Workshop and exhibition

Likovno društvo 2002
Venerdì 31 maggio, 15:00Passato

Likovno društvo 2002
Workshop and land art for children:
The children will make bird feeders and hatcheries. The mentor will bring tools and materials with him so that children can make bird feeders by themselves, with the help of parents or mentors(members of Likovno društvo 2002). At the same time, children will create art products from natural materials (LAND ART). The members of LIkovno društvo 2002 will prepare natural materials, wood, stones, shells, leaves, cones....with which the children will make "PICTURES" on the oval wooden tables that are already in the park. During the event, the members of Likovno društvo 2002 will have a painting workshop - painting on canvases at the Park čutil location. Children and parents will also be able to participate at painting. (from 16:00 - 19:00)
In chance of rain event will be moved to saturday at 10:00 - 14:00.

Turistično društvo Škofljica
Members of Turistično društvo Škofljica will organize a visit from baroness and baron, two courtiers in baroque costumes and the caretaker of the castle Lisičje in baroque clothes. They will also have a stand with promotional items, their one of a kind chocolat, honey and various cakes. (from 15:00 - 18:00).

Tipologia di evento
Atelier / Dimostrazione / Laboratorio
Tema 2024
I cinque sensi in giardino
Accetto che l'immagine possa essere utilizzata liberamente, a condizione che sia attribuita all'autore per nome, e condivisa alle stesse condizioni.
No input
Condizioni di partecipazione
Ingresso libero
Tipo di pubblico
Pubblico generale

A proposito del luogo

Park čutil, Škofljica
Primičeva ulica 30-56,1291 Škofljica
Public garden