Rendezvous matinee with the Jupiter Quartet of the Brandenburg Summer Concerts.
After the great success of last year, the Brandenburg Summer Concerts again bring fine classical sounds with the Jupiter String Quartet to the large meadow in front of the castle facade. There are hits from Bach to Cole Porter, from Mozart to Gershwin and bring man and nature into the sound and swinging. The event takes place on a ground-level meadow - barrier-free, rain and sun protection recommended. The park in Lusatia is (still) an insider tip and has suffered for decades from the consequences of mining. Today, many residents, the Amt Altdöbern, Brandenburg ministries and the redeveloping Brandenburgische Schlösser GmbH plus the German Foundation for the Protection of Monuments are committed to the park. A walk after the concert through the French parterre and the shady landscape park to the salt lake is very worthwhile. Also recommended is the cafe-restaurant in the Orangerie Altdöbern for the perfect end on Sunday. More about the concert