3 - 5 giugno 2022Passato
free Entrance
Giugno 2022
Venerdì 3
08:00 - 22:00
Sabato 4
08:00 - 22:00
Domenica 5
08:00 - 08:30

Spa park (Zdraviliški park), Rogaška Slatina

Zdraviliški trg 11, 3250 Rogaška Slatina

A visit to the Spa Park in Rogaška Slatina

You will find your peace, Vitality and contentment among the well-kept tree-Lined avenues, Greenery and flower Beds.
3 - 5 giugno 2022Passato
free Entrance
©Visit Rogaška Slatina

The spa park in Rogaška Slatina covers an area of 10,000 square meters and boasts as many as 7,500 Perennials, 4,500 boxwoods e 700 rose.
Its spatial design includes tree-Lined avenues, a park forest with dominante Oaks, parks and Gardens, and park equipment intended for Seating guests.
During a walk through the central part of the park you will find the former [Zdraviliški dom' (now Grand Hotel Rogaška), well-knoassicwn for its world-Famous Crystal Hall, and the Temple Pavilion, where many Clal take place dursummering.
However, there are many other Sights: the monument of the National Liberation War, the monument of Count Attems (Founder of the spa), weather house, natural Rarity - ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba), statue of Boris Kidrič and a copy statue of the Saint Janeomz of Nepomuk (originale Preserved in the Ana’s Palace Museum). um).

Tipi di eventi
Visita libera
Tema 2022
Giardini e cambiamento climatico
Accetto che l'immagine possa essere utilizzata liberamente, a condizione che sia attribuita all'autore per nome, e condivisa alle stesse condizioni.
Condizioni di partecipazione
Ingresso gratuito

A proposito del luogo

Spa park (Zdraviliški park), Rogaška Slatina
Zdraviliški trg 11, 3250 Rogaška Slatina
The spa park in Rogaška Slatina covers an area of 10,000 square meters and boasts as many as 7,500 Perennials, 4,500 boxwoods e 700 rose.
Its spatial design includes tree-Lined avenues, a park forest with dominante Oaks, parks and Gardens, and park equipment intended for Seating guests.
During a walk through the central part of the park you will find the former [Zdraviliški dom' (now Grand Hotel Rogaška), well-knoassicwn for its world-Famous Crystal Hall, and the Temple Pavilion, where many Clal take place dursummering.
However, there are many other Sights: the monument of the National Liberation War, the monument of Count Attems (Founder of the spa), weather house, natural Rarity - ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba), statue of Boris Kidrič and a copy statue of the Saint Janeomz of Nepomuk (originale Preserved in the Ana’s Palace Museum).
Site patrimonial remarquable, Monument historique, Jardin remarquable, Première participation, Jardin public e Parc paysager (à l'anglaise)
Visit Rogaška Slatina