Domenica 19 maggio 2019, 13:00, 15:00, 16:00Passato
Maggio 2019
Domenica 19
13:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 18:00
3 to 99 years old

Hong Kong Maritime Museum

11 Man Kwong Street, Hong Kong

Lighthouse Memories: Green Island Lighthouse

Raise public interest towards the Green Island Lighthouse (Declared Monument in Hong Kong) through Interactive Simulators, 3D Model and Video Presentations, Group Forums, and Exhibited Items.
Domenica 19 maggio 2019, 13:00, 15:00, 16:00Passato
Hong Kong Maritime Museum; City University of Hong Kong

Lighthouse Memories: Green Island Lighthouse

燈塔記憶 – 青洲燈塔

Educational Program & Activity

Place: Hong Kong Maritime Museum

Form: Interactive Activities, 3D Model and Video Presentation(s), Discussion(s), and Exhibition

青洲燈塔是香港的法定古蹟, 通過互動式活動,包括模擬駕駛船隻,3D燈塔模型演示與人文紀錄片首映播放,主題論壇,以提高公眾對古蹟與歷史文獻的認識與產生研究的興趣。

Time Schedule:

I. Interactive Activities互動活動: (1300-1430)

To engage visitors of all ages prior to the presentation, Lighthouse Heritage Research Connections, in partnership with the Hong Kong Maritime Museum, will provide the following activities:

1. KM Koo Ship Bridge Simulator with Captain TUNG and MSTI students (A Deck)


Captain Yang Tung TUNG and Maritime Services Training Institute student volunteers will assist with the boating simulator. Through the electronic chart and the Green Island Lighthouse, visitors can determine the location and navigation channel of the vessel, hear real-time radio communications, see traffic conditions at sea through radar, and have a good time sailing through Victoria Harbour.


2.‘Try Your Hand at Navigating!’ Fixed, Flashing Occulting Simulator (B Deck)


Participants will learn about the frequency of lighthouse flash on Green Island Lighthouse in an interactive way with the assistance of the City University of Hong Kong’s LHRC student participants from the Department of Media and Communication.

參加者將在香港城市大學傳播與媒體系學生志工協助下, 以互動式的方式了解青洲燈塔的燈號頻率

3. Exhibition Guided Tour – Interactive 3D Model with Old Records (Special Exhibitions and Events Gallery)

“青洲燈塔檔案精選與互動式3維燈塔建築模型展覽” 導賞團

Students of CityU Run Run Shaw Library’s LHRC projects will introduce the exhibition.


II. Film & Talk 電影放映及講座 (1500-1615)

1. Opening Remarks by Distinguished Guests


Richard WESLEY, Museum Director of Hong Kong Maritime Museum

韋持力 香港海事博物館總監

Kin Keung LAI, Chairman of Association of China Trend Studies(HK)

黎建強 中國國情研習促進會(香港)會長

Samuel HO, Acting University Librarian, Run Run Shaw Library, CityU

何敏賢 香港城市大學邵逸夫圖書館署理大學圖書館館長

2. Lighthouse Memories: Green Island Lighthouse screening

燈塔記憶 - 青州燈塔 首映會

Yiling YAO (姚懿玲), Xiaoming YAO(姚曉敏), Chen HUANG(黃辰),

Louis LIU(劉鑒嶠), Dept. of Media and Communication, CityU


3. Media + Hong Kong Lighthouse Heritage presentation


Daniel LAI(賴大立), Run Run Shaw Library, CityU(香港城市大學邵逸夫圖書館), Anthony LEUNG(梁嘉豪), Dept. of Architecture and Civil Engineering, CityU(香港城市大學建築學及土木工程學系) and Anna KWONG(鄺惠怡), School of Creative Media, CityU(香港城市大學創意媒體學院)


III. Dialogue and Interview 焦點訪談 (1620-1730)

Session 1 第一場 (1620-1650)

Moderator: Catherine KWONG, Dept. of Chinese and History, CityU

主持人: 鄺子晴 (香港城市大學中文及歷史系)

Topic Discussion: ‘From The Experts Themselves「聽聽專家說」

'Seafaring in Asia' by Captain Yan Tung TUNG, Museum Advisor of HKMM

「航行亞洲」童恩通 船長 香港海事博物館顧問

'Then and Now - Green Island Lighthouse' by Y K LEUNG, Assistant Superintentendent of Aids to Navigation, Hong Kong Marine Department

「青洲燈塔的過去與現在」梁耀光 香港海事處助理輔航設備監督

'Historical Weather Records - Green Island Lighthouse' by C W CHOY, Scientific Officer, Hong Kong Observatory

「青洲燈塔氣象觀測記錄」蔡振榮 香港天文台科學主任

Session 2 第二場 (1650-1730)

Moderator: Ruby WONG, Dept. of Chinese and History, CityU


**Topic Discussion: Educational Impact for Cultural Heritage Conservation 「文化古蹟保育的教育影響」**by

Joe HE, Department of Media and Communication, CityU

何舟 香港城市大學媒體與傳播系

Tin WONG, Historian and Subject Specialist of LHRC, CityU

黃天 香港城市大學LHRC項目歷史與學科專家

Steve CHING, Run Run Shaw Library, CityU

景祥祜 香港城市大學邵逸夫圖書館

Services Provided現場提供語言翻譯服務:

Simultaneous Interpretation: English, Cantonese, Mandarin


by students of the Dept. of Linguistics and Translation, CityU (coached by Jackie YAN and Robert Luo)

譯者:香港城市大學翻譯及語言學系學生(指導老師:鄢秀, 羅康特)

Xiaoyi LI(李笑儀), Ho Hin TSUI(徐浩軒), Hing Ling TSANG(曾慶寧), Hiu Ting CHONG(莊曉婷), Cho Fung LEE(李楚烽),


  • Raise public interest towards Hong Kong’s significance towards lighthouse and maritime history through City University of Hong Kong’s Lighthouse Heritage Research Connections’ project 2018/19.
  • Allow visitors rediscover 19th century archived collections and old documents which relate to Hong Kong’s Green Island Lighthouse along with coastal lighthouses across the South China Sea.
  • Emphasise the importance of lighthouse establishments for seafaring through interactive activities.
  • Strengthen long-term sustainability for maritime knowledge while enhancing the public’s social responsibility to understand and preserve historical sites in Hong Kong such as lighthouses.


For as long as they have been standing, lighthouses have been a lifesaving presence to seafarers all across the globe. However, with satellite and GPS technology, lighthouses are slowly fading into a shadow of the past. The skyscraper capital of the world, Hong Kong serves as one of the busiest ports across the globe. The lighthouses placed all around the city was an indisputable influence on the significance of sea navigation. Without lighthouses such as the Green Island Lighthouse, maritime progress in Asia would not be where it is today.

Lighthouse Memories is an ongoing Lighthouse Research Heritage Connections (LHRC) project co-developed by Joe HE (Associate Head of Communication and Media) and Steve CHING (Special Advisor, Run Run Shaw Library). Through these projects, students at City University of Hong Kong are able to find historical collections which support their research on lighthouse heritage. For this year’s International Museum Day event, Lighthouse Heritage Research Connections wishes to exhibit Hong Kong’s Green Island Lighthouse. Visitors to Lighthouse Memories and Lights in Time will be introduced to Hong Kong’s lighthouse heritage through this event. The Hong Kong Maritime Museum’s International Museum Day event will feature the Lighthouse Heritage Research Connections’ project that will demonstrate the information obtained through primary sources such as archived collections, old documents, images, and texts that support the research on the Green Island Lighthouse (Hong Kong).

Visitors will be able to view maps, charts, old newspapers and other collected archives during 19th century China. The screening of Lighthouse Memories: Green Island Lighthouse will also be shown during this event. We also wish to invite representatives from institutions and organizations which play a key role in today’s weather understanding through data collection, environmental protection of the harbour, and maritime services; all which help in navigational safety.


Lighthouse Heritage Research Connections

Selected Publications:

Ching, S. H. (2018). Turning a Service Learning Experience into a Model of Student Engagement: The Lighthouse Heritage Research Connections (LHRC) Project in Hong Kong. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 44(2), 196-206. DOI: 10.1016/j.acalib.2018.02.007 (for more info, please visit: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0099133317303506)).

Leung, A. K. H., Davies, S., & Ching, S. H. (2018). When new technology joins old documents and east meets west: Virtually reconstructing the Fisher Island Pagoda Lighthouse (China). Virtual Archaeology Review, 9(18), 12-27. DOI: 10.4995/var.2018.7982. (for full text, please visit: https://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/var/article/view/7982)).

Lai, Daniel Shenghan (Director) (2017). Lighthouse Memories - Hong Kong: Cape Collinson Lighthouse/Kap Shui Mun Lighthouse 燈塔記憶 - 香港: 黑角頭燈塔 / 汲水門燈塔. Published by City University of Hong Kong. https://www.cityu.edu.hk/cityvod/video/play/LIB/lighthouse-hk-cape.aspx

Greem Island Lighthouse, 1741359805134_1_1741359805134, LHRC, 3D Model, Lighthouse Memories: Green Island Lighthouse Memories, Hong Kong Maritime Museum, City University of Hong Kong, 燈塔記憶 – 青洲燈塔, 青洲燈塔, Lighthouse Heritage Research Connections, Run Run Shaw Library, 香港城市大學圖書館 e 燈塔古蹟保育研習實踐
Type d'activité
Visite guidée, Exposition, Cérémonie e Atelier
Type de musée
Histoire, Sciences e Art
No selection

A proposito del luogo

Hong Kong Maritime Museum
11 Man Kwong Street, Hong Kong