Giovedì 4 aprile, 14:00Passato
Aprile 2024
Giovedì 4
14:00 - 16:00

INHA - salle Vasari

2 rue Vivienne 75002 Paris
  • Île-de-France

Writers and Readers. Publishing Now in Art History

Regards croisés avec Christy Anderson, University of Toronto et rédactrice en chef de The Art Bulletin
Giovedì 4 aprile, 14:00Passato
École italienne, Jeune homme assis écrivant dans un livre, XVIIe siècle. Collection of the Art Institute of Chicago

Regards croisés avec Christy Anderson, University of Toronto et rédactrice en chef de The Art Bulletin, invitée par Nathalie Ginoux, professeure Sorbonne Université, membre du Centre André-Chastel
The internet has transformed publishing, even for academic authors. While the traditional formats of peer-reviewed journals and academic presses continue, the opportunities for authors to reach a wider audience through online publishing offers new venues to publish. As researchers, how might we decide where is best to publish? In this talk, I will present my experience as editor of The Art Bulletin including trends I see in the scholarship and challenges for art history publishing overall. Where might young scholars look now to reach both an academic and public audience, and how can we think of writing as part of the creative work of research?
Pour en savoir plus
Programme complet des Regards croisés

Type d'évènement
Partenaires - Réseau Colbert-Richelieu
Centre André Chastel

A proposito del luogo

INHA - salle Vasari
2 rue Vivienne 75002 Paris
  • Île-de-France