Mercoledì 2 dicembre 2015, 10:00Passato
Dicembre 2015
Mercoledì 2
10:00 - 19:00
Accessibile alle persone con disabilità uditive
Accessibile alle persone con disabilità visive
Accessibile alle persone con disabilità psichiche
Accessibile alle persone con disabilità motorie

Village Génération climat du Bourget

93350 Le Bourget, France
  • Seine-Saint-Denis
  • Île-de-France

Researchers invite you to a day of reflection and debate

La Research is organizing a day, open to everyone, especially those dedicated to the challenges tied to climate change.
Mercoledì 2 dicembre 2015, 10:00Passato

This day is organized jointly by the Minister responsible for research and key players in French research involved in the fight against climate change: ANR, BRGM, CEA, CIRAD, CNES, CNRS, IFPEN, IFREMER, INERIS, INSERM, INRA,INRIA, IRSTEA, IRD,MNHN.

10 am - Understand, Anticipate, Alert: The Role of Observation Systems
11 am - Biodiversity: the Paths of Resilience
12 noon - What are the ways to best share water?
1:30 pm - The Security of World Food: Agricultural Challenges?
2:30 pm - Air Quality: Health Risk Prevention?
3:30 pm - What kind of energy mix for the future?
4:30 pm - Carbon pricing or less carbon?
5:30 pm - International Mobilization: Support Tools for Research for Development

Conclusive round table discussion with Thierry Mandon, Secretary of State for Higher Education and Research, in attendance (conditional).

A proposito del luogo

Village Génération climat du Bourget
93350 Le Bourget, France
  • Seine-Saint-Denis
  • Île-de-France