Sabato 28 novembre 2015, 15:00Passato
Novembre 2015
Sabato 28
15:00 - 17:00
Accessibile alle persone con disabilità uditive
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Médiathèque Edmond Rostand

11 Rue Nicolas Chuquet, 75017 Paris, France
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France

Conference - What is the impact of climate change on the immediate environment?

Conference-debat by Françoise Vimeux
Sabato 28 novembre 2015, 15:00Passato

Françoise Vimeux, director and researcher at the Institut de Recherche for Development, is a climatologist. She works in particular on the variability of the current climate and that of the past, in tropical regions. Through the course of a conference entitled, What is the immediate impact of climate change on the immediate environment?, she will demonstrate how current climate change manifests itself and where it falls within natural climate change that we know. She will rely on recent studies and data obtained from the most recent publication of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), a group of intergovermental experts on the evolution of climate.

This conference is organized as part of "Paris pour le climat", which in turn is organized by the libraries of Paris.

A proposito del luogo

Médiathèque Edmond Rostand
11 Rue Nicolas Chuquet, 75017 Paris, France
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France