Guided tour of the Augeron architectural heritage of the Calvados distillery Christian Drouin

This event will include a visit of one hour, led by two voices (by Mr Christian DROUIN, and Mr Jean BERGERET, President of the association "Le Pays d'Auge"), to present both the rich and typical Auger architecture of the estate (erected between the 17th and 19th centuries), as well as to provide technical explanations relating to the distillery.
This time of visit will be followed by an exchange in the mansion on the built heritage of the country of Auge in general.
Speakers will answer questions that participants may have about the various components of local built heritage.
The visit will conclude with a note of intangible and intellectual heritage. Indeed, Mr Christian DROUIN, author of the first book on calvados, published in 1987, will dedicate his new book "Le livre des calvados: des racines normandes, une ambition mondiale", which will be published by Charles CORLET.
A pot with apple juice, cider and poiré will close this friendly time.
A free tasting of our calvados and gins will also be possible afterwards, for visitors who wish it.