Mardi 7 mai 2019, 09h30Passé
Sur inscription
Mai 2019
Mardi 7
09:30 - 11:00
Accessible aux handicapés moteurs

InterContinental Bucharest

Bvd Nicolae Bălcescu 4, Bucharest
  • Sector 1
  • Bucarest

SEEDIG (South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance)

Lucien Castex, secrétaire général de l'Internet Society France, intervient dans la table ronde "(S1.1) Cybersecurity in South Eastern Europe: how to ensure trust and security?".
Mardi 7 mai 2019, 09h30Passé
Sur inscription

At SEEDIG 5, we will bring together key stakeholders from the region and representatives of international organisations to discuss policies and approaches to provide for peaceful, secure and open cyberspace. Cybersecurity has become a key component of national security. It has also been a top priority for securing successful digital transformation, deployment of next-generation networks (including 5G) and for building trust in the Internet. However, by cyberspace being seamlessly interconnected and borderless, cybersecurity by its very nature is an international issue. The same applies to cybercrime. Both can be effectively tackled only by regional and international cooperation. But is this sufficient? Effective cybersecurity policies have to take various, sometimes even conflicting perspectives into consideration. Some measures for tackling cybersecurity and cybercrime threats can lead to watering down citizens’ rights. Finding balanced solutions is challenging and a multistakeholder dialogue is often seen as an effective tool that can bridge the differences and connect various perspectives. Regional and multistakeholder cooperation in ensuring cybersecurity and fighting cybercrime is also vital for South Eastern Europe and the Eastern Partnership countries.

Key participants:

Maria Manuela Catrina, State Secretary, Ministry of Communication and Information Society, Romania
Lucien Castex, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, France & Internet Society France
Giorgi Jokhadze, Cybercrime Programme Office, Council of Europe
Veronica Ștefan, Digital Citizens, Romania

Moderator:  Natalia Mochu, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

À propos du lieu

InterContinental Bucharest
Bvd Nicolae Bălcescu 4, Bucharest
  • Sector 1
  • Bucarest