Pensieri lontani. Alessandro Berretti.

For the final phase of the national project Esploratori della Memoria, already winner of the Medal of Representation of the Presidency of the Italian Republic, Casa del Mutilato in Genoa hosts the exhibition Pensieri lontani. Alessandro Berretti
The via crucis of the tuscan artist, captured in September 1943 by the German army, is witnessed by means of a selection of drawings made by the veteran himself directly from inside the prison camp. Performances, these, part of Berretti's most tragic production (entirely merged into the collection Attenti al filo! - from which the heartbreaking scene from which the title of the volume derives is also exhibited).
In the spaces of the historic "Segreteria" of the building designed by Eugenio Fuselli, therefore (as well as the human tragedy) the power of the story that becomes memory is handed down. A very necessary legacy, if - as Carlo Delcroix's words state - war is the lesson of history that peoples never learn enough.
The exhibition, curated by Matteo Lenuzza, which can be visited from 23 May to 1 June, is part of the horizon of historical-artistic enhancement of the building, supported by the Presidency of the Ligurian section of the ANMIG - which, in the person of Agostino Pendola, wishes to maintain the Foundation's commitment to the memory of conflicts and the struggle for liberation. If with Esploratori della Memoria, the new generations rediscover stones, tombstones and monuments linked to the first and second world wars, in this exhibition something much more intimate and personal is exhibited: drawings born from the makeshift material of those who were imprisoned in a concentration camp.
Alessandro Berretti, whose works are kept (as well as in the Casa del Mutilato in Genoa) at the National Museum of Internment in Padova and the National Museum "Collezione Salce" in Treviso, was also an advertising purpose during the twentieth century. Active internationally, he produced posters for Pirelli and Rinascente in Italy, in Belgium for the Office Technique de Publicitè and in France for the Au Bon Marchè.
Communicator skills, in the series made during the internment, lent to the arduous but vital role of witness to a huge tragedy.
- President of Fondation A.N.M.I.G. - Liguria / Casa del Mutilato: Agostino Pendola
- President of Fondation A.N.M.I.G. - Genova / Casa del Mutilato: Guido Vinacci
- Curator of the exhibition space: Matteo Lenuzza
- Graphic project: Cruo Studio
- Date: tuesday - friday (9-12) or on reservation. Closed: sunday, saturday and monday
- Tickets: free entry