Jeudi 2 mai, 09h00Passé
On registration
Mai 2024
Jeudi 2
09:00 - 20:00

Foyer International d'Accueil de Paris - Jean Monnet (FIAP)

30 Rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France

Second Edition of the S&O Inclusive Economy Day

Second Edition of the S&O Inclusive Economy Day
Jeudi 2 mai, 09h00Passé
On registration

The Inclusive Economy Center at the S&O Institute of HEC Paris is very pleased to invite you to the second edition of the Inclusive Economy Day on May 2, 2024 in FIAP - Jean Monnet, 30 Rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris.
Management scholars and practitioners are invited to join us for a series of discussions exploring the latest research at the intersection of management, social issues, inequalities and impact.
Academics will present original research on refugees and migration, inclusive health, and social ties, enriched by diverse practitioners’ perspectives.
We will also break out in small group discussions to explore how experimental research could help organizations address concrete social challenges. 
We look forward to this inspiring and exciting day!

One of the world's best business schools, HEC Paris is a leader in research and education in management sciences. We offer a unique portfolio of programs designed for a carefully selected student body.
Explore the diversity and richness of our school and all it has to offer.

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À propos du lieu

Foyer International d'Accueil de Paris - Jean Monnet (FIAP)
30 Rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France