Friday 12 June 2020, 14:30Passed
June 2020
Friday 12
14:30 - 15:30

ICA International Council on Archives

60 rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75003 Paris, France
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France

ICA Webinar with ICOMOS and IFLA

Climate Change and Cultural Heritage: a call to action!
Friday 12 June 2020, 14:30Passed

Have you ever wondered: What do I know about the effects of climate change related disasters on my collections? What disaster recovery plans might be useful for my collection? But also, how can archives fit in to global climate action, how can I and my collections make a difference, and how do we begin to address our impact?

Then join us on the “Archives and Climate Change day” of the International Archives Week 2020 (#IAW2020), the 12th of June and co-hosted by ICOMOS, IFLA and ICA. At 14:30 - 15:30 CET you’ll be able to watch live on the ICA’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ICAInternationalCouncilonArchives/live/ the webinar entitled Climate Change and Cultural Heritage: A call to action!

We will be welcoming three experts in Climate Change and Disaster Recovery: Andrew Potts (ICOMOS), Stephen Wyber (IFLA) and Emilie Gagnet Leumas (ICA) to discuss this important topic affecting cultural heritage institutions from around the world.

During this webinar you will also be able to ask our expert panel questions and share your own experiences on the subject of Cultural Heritage end Climate Change.

Speakers :

Andrew Potts, Coordinator Climate Heritage Network Secretariat, ICOMOS Climate Change and Heritage Working Group

Stephen Wyber, IFLA Policy and Advocacy Manager

Emilie Gagnet Leumas, Chair of the ICA Expert Group on Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness

Chair of the panel :

Anthea Seles, Secretary General, International Council on Archives

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About the location

ICA International Council on Archives
60 rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75003 Paris, France
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France